Discovering Grace
Two-part class to learn what Grace is all about, find how you fit into the community here, and become a member.
How do I become a member of Grace Community Church?
At Grace we believe that God is calling every Christian to commit to the person of Jesus Christ and also to the mission of Jesus Christ. We believe He is also calling each of us to commit to the church of Jesus Christ and so we offer an opportunity every couple of months called Discovering Grace, a two-part meeting where senior pastor Gary Hutchison will share in more detail about each of these commitments and give everyone who attends the opportunity to become a member of Grace.
Next Class:
Part 1: March 23rd
Part 2: March 30th
Discovering Grace Small Group
If you have attended the Discovering Grace class, you are invited to join Gary and Tracie’s small group to learn more about our church and pastors and to get connected with others. They meet on Sunday afternoons from 1:00 - 2:30 pm.