Our Story…
GraceGrown Music is the recording and publishing ministry of Grace Community Church that was founded in 1999. Our heart and passion is to write and record songs for the local church by people who serve in the local church. We want worshipping the Lord to be more than just a Sunday morning experience. We desire people to connect with the Lord during personal worship times, while driving in the car, working in the office, or while doing the dishes. It should be a part of our lives throughout our day and week.
We have released four worship albums, Shout to the King, Bless God, Tabernacle, and our latest album under the name of GraceGrown Kids called Be Strong (Scripture Songs Vol. 1). These albums are available on all major streaming sites. We invite you to join us as we worship the Lord together!
Our Latest Release…
On June 23, 2023, we released our first-ever children’s album under the name GraceGrown Kids entitled Be Strong (Scripture Songs Vol. 1). Each of these six songs has a word-for-word passage from the Bible along with additional lyrics. The songs were recorded by members of our worship team along with some of our AdventureLand children.
We pray this album will be blessing to parents as they use it to teach their children key passages of scripture.
GraceGrown Kids hand motion videos…
As an accompaniment to our Be Strong (Scripture Songs Vol. 1) album, we created hand motion videos for each of our songs. These colorful and fun videos are a tool that children can use to learn scripture and sing along with the songs. These YouTube videos can be played from a Smart TV, phone, tablet, computer, or any other device that has internet access. To play from another device like a Smart TV, just search for GraceGrown Music on YouTube, then find the playlist called Be Strong (Scripture Songs Vol. 1) - Hand Motion Videos. You can also click on the following link: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1PNAQ2LgE5LKnw27DtdZwyEPmxe93lka to use on other devices.
In the summer of 2021, God gave us a vision for a new worship album that was to be called Tabernacle. The Tabernacle was a temporary, mobile place of worship that laid out a pattern of worship that God gave to Moses 1,450 years before the birth of Christ. This pattern for worship has not changed and was ultimately fulfilled by the person and work of Jesus Christ. The songs on this album were purposely written to take the listener through the Tabernacle flow of worship.
This project is dedicated to the memory of Selah Joy Brown who was born sleeping on March 7, 2022.
Other GraceGrown Music Albums

For more information, please contact Larry Gallas at larry@gracearlington.com.