Grace Ministries
& Serving Opportunities

Want to serve in a ministry?
Take a look through the various ministries we have here at Grace, and click on the More Info link to find contact information for that ministry’s leader! We can’t wait to have you on the team!
Helping people know and follow the foundational principles of Biblical Citizenship for the cause of civil and religious liberty. More Info
The purpose of Celebrate Recovery at Grace is to help us overcome our hurts, habits, and hang-ups through fellowship and the 12 Steps and 8 Recovery Principles of Celebrate Recovery®.
We meet Fridays, 7:00–9:00 pm in the Life Center Loft. More Info
AdventureLand is a great place for Children!
We desire to partner with parents in the spiritual training of children. Our hope and prayer is that each one of them will come to know Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord and then enter into and enjoy the most wonderful adventure, being a devoted follower of Jesus Christ. More Info
A college ministry that seeks to serve and disciple students and young adults. Located off of the UTA campus, this hub is a place to meet people during the week, have conversations with people from different backgrounds, find opportunities to serve, and learn how to obey God’s Word. More Info
A place to find resources for our church and local community. More Info
“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to captives and freedom to prisoners; to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn.”
Isaiah 61:1-2 NASB
Culture is shaped by art, and heavenly art creates heavenly culture; art speaks prophetically, to encourage and to convict; art is a powerful instrument for evangelism to a dying world; art can comfort and feed people’s souls; and as Jesus modeled, art can be didactic to teach people about the kingdom. More Info
As the Church, the body of Christ, we are all called to obedience in reaching the unreached—some as senders, some as goers, and all of us as pray-ers. We all play a part. More Info
At Grace we believe that God is calling every Christian to commit to the person of Jesus Christ and also to the mission of Jesus Christ. We believe He is also calling each of us to commit to the church of Jesus Christ and so we offer an opportunity every couple of months called Discovering Grace, a two-part meeting where senior pastor Gary Hutchison will share in more detail about each of these commitments and give everyone who attends the opportunity to become a member of Grace. More Info
Are you pregnant, single, and looking for resources and support during your pregnancy? Embrace Grace's vision is for every girl with an unplanned pregnancy to have a church to go to for spiritual, emotional, and physical support.
You come, we love! More Info
Are you currently walking through a season of single motherhood? You are not alone! Learn how to choose joy and gain the confidence you need to become the woman and mom you dream of being. More Info
yudando a las personas a encontrar, conocer y seguir al Señor Jesucristo, y multiplicarse
Únete a nuestro servicio de adoración dominical en persona o en línea. Domingos 1:00 p.m. Mas informacion
Grace provides ESL (English as a Second Language) classes to immigrants from a variety of countries to help improve their language skills and to assist them in adjusting to American culture. We also offer citizenship preparation classes for those who have learned English and wish to apply for U.S. citizenship. All classes are held in-person at Grace Community Church: 801 W Bardin Rd, Arlington TX 76017. More Info
There is no better way to grow as people, parents, and followers of Jesus than in community with other believers. Family is such a crucial part of life and relationship! We seek to build up strong families through communing together, having fun, and encouraging one another. More Info
Imagine if you had cash in the bank for emergencies, lived a debt-free lifestyle, and became outrageously generous. We believe you can, but it’ll take some work to get there. That’s why we want every family at Grace to have free access to Ramsey+, a plan for living and giving the way you’ve dreamed about. More Info
We ought to be good stewards of the bodies and health the Lord has given us. Learn from past seminars about how to pursue health in today’s world. More Info
The Bible tells us a lot about God's heart for children and orphans.
God sees them as precious. Matthew 19:13-15
God asks us to welcome them with open arms. Matthew 18:5
One of the ways we demonstrate our love for God is by loving children in need. Matthew 25:34-40
Adoption is a beautiful picture of what God has done for us by adopting us into His family. John 14:18, Romans 8:15, 8:23, Eph 1:5, Galatians 4:4-5
When human families fail, God is there to receive those left behind. Psalm 27:10
Caring for widows and orphans should be a normal part of following Jesus. James 1:27
On the first Sunday of the month, a fabulous team of volunteers cook a homemade meal for our church family for $5 per person. This is an opportunity to meet new people and break bread together. (Every month except January & July.)
Healing Hearts is a small group that helps to bring healing to wounds of the heart from trauma, grief or loss. The group will be led by facilitators who are trained in Bible-based trauma healing. Trauma is a deep wound of the heart and mind that takes a long time to heal. It hurts every part of us: our relationships, our bodies, our thoughts, and our faith. Attending to these hurts allows the truth of Scripture to more deeply penetrate our hearts and transform our lives. More Info
The goal of Heart Health Prayer is restoring and cultivating intimacy with God because transformation of the heart affects every aspect of our relationship with God and others. Our strategy arises from the call to steward, guard, and manage our hearts as Proverbs 4:23 states: "above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it" (NIV). More Info
In addition to completing the Great Commission Jesus commanded us to love our neighbors. One of the ways we do that is through compassion ministries around the world to support the poor and oppressed. More Info
The High School Ministry exists to help students develop their own personal relationship with Jesus and to come alongside parents as they disciple their youth in that relationship. We understand that the Gospel not only saves us, but impacts and changes every aspect of our lives. More Info
This joy-filled team serves on Sunday mornings and at other special events to make sure that everyone who comes here, especially anyone new, is welcomed and accepted.
“Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.” Hebrews 13:2 More Info
We know from the Bible that Israel is “the apple of God’s eye” (Deut. 32:10) “His chosen people” (Deut. 7:6) “a royal priesthood” (1 Peter 2:9) set apart so that the world might know there is a God. Looking at the Bible, Israel, and the Jews from the foundation of their culture and context will transform your understanding of God and His word. Join us as we learn how the church can support all that God has planned for them and our role in it as well. Explore the resources available here, connect with some of the events and explore other ways to be involved hands on. More Info
Our jail ministry functions primarily through opportunities that exist in Tarrant and Dallas County jail programs via Chaplain Don Anderson, Regional Director for Pacific Youth Correctional Ministries and a member of Grace. More Info
Fill the relational voids in kids’ lives. In other words, send people to personally meet with students who need reliable, caring adult relationships. And start with children in the earliest grades. And that is what Kids Hope USA does.
We partner with this ministry that trains and equips mentors to reach kids in public schools who are in need of caring, reliable, one-on-one relationships. If you have one hour during the week, you can be a mentor. More Info
We allow anyone who attends Grace Community church to enjoy the lending library of Grace Community church with over 1,000 books, audiobooks, CDs, children’s books, and DVDs. More Info
Acts 2:42-47 describes the early church community as one that was deeply devoted to loving one another. As we love each other both in attitudes and deeds we reflect to the world that we are true followers of Jesus (John 13:35). Life groups are a fantastic way to live this out in weekly community with other believers. More info
Marriage is valued by God as a tangible expression of His love for us and is valued here at Grace Community Church. Mike and Kathy Robinson are the elder couple over marriage here at Grace. They desire to walk alongside you as you seek to have a marriage that honors God.
Whether you’ve been married for a while but your marriage needs a tune up or you are newlywed or engaged, they offer community groups to couples seeking grow in their relationship and in Christ. More Info
The Medical Emergency Team serves our church family on Sunday mornings by providing a healthcare professional on-site in case of emergencies. More Info
Our Goal: Follow Jesus together as men of Humility, Strength, and Honor
The Middle School ministry exists to help students develop their own personal relationship with Jesus and to come alongside parents as they disciple their youth in that relationship. We understand that the Gospel not only saves us, but impacts and changes every aspect of our lives. More Info
As members of the body of Christ, we strive to use the gifts and talents God has given us to glorify Him in all we do. We want to show God’s love to the elderly, build relationships with them and each other and glorify the Lord by being purposeful in what we do. More Info
There are always members of our church family who need help in a practical way. The Practical Helps Team receives these requests and serves as many as possible to share the love of Jesus in tangible ways! More Info
The GHOP serves as the prayer hub for Grace Community Church.
GHOP is open 24/7 for members to worship and pray, with ~50 meetings on the schedule that serve as a resource for our community to enter into a lifestyle of prayer. More Info
The Gracekeepers safety team helps ensure that everyone who comes to Grace Community church has a blessed and safe experience while they are here. The safety team keeps watch for any issues that may arise while someone is on our church property and helps supply the appropriate resources to respond to those issues. More Info
Here at Grace Community Church we desire to help ALL people FIND, KNOW, and FOLLOW Jesus. This includes individuals with special needs.
Our Special Needs Community is working hard to accommodate those with special needs. More Info
Many of us enjoy connecting with new and old friends while enjoying a sport. We have many opportunities to enjoy playing sports like basketball, volleyball, and pickleball. More Info
Do you want to get better at hearing the voice of God in a practical way, and experience the healing that can come when He speaks to your situation?
“Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.” 3 John 2
“We desire to see you enjoying a vibrant, love relationship with Jesus Christ!” More Info
Worship is what we were created to do. It is one of our priorities and key values as a church. It is an expression of our love for God and a time of self-disclosure with God. Each service, we provide an extended time of honoring the Lord through song.
In reality, we can worship the Lord in so many ways. For example, we can worship Him through singing, giving financially, serving others, or through preaching and teaching. Although worship can be expressed in many ways, this page focuses on corporate worship through music. More Info
Young adults between the ages of 24 and 39, single or married, who are seeking to connect with other young adults for the purpose of growing in our faith and finding ways to serve locally. We meet casually throughout the week to encourage one another, pray together, learn together, and have fun together! Let this be a launching pad for you as you find similarly-passioned people. More Info