“We desire to see you enjoying a vibrant, love relationship with Jesus Christ!”

Tracie Hutchison

Women’s Pastor


Meghan Perry

Women’s Ministry Director


Arin Newton

Women’s Ministry Coordinator


Addie Frederickson

Women’s Ministry Leader


Join our Facebook and Realm Groups

These groups are for ladies who consider Grace Community Church their home church. We will verify that you have a Realm account prior to approving requests.

Summer Devotionals

  • Ongoing through June and July. Scroll down to “Summer Devotionals” for more details.

Ministry Fair

  • August 11 after both services in the Gym.

YAH Game Day

  • August 15th please note date change from the 8th from 11:30am to 1:30pm in the Gym. Details and registration coming week of July 14th.

Golden Gals McDonalds Group

  • Meets every Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. at McDonald's on Bowen/Pioneer Pkwy. Scroll down to “Ministries” for more details.

Barbara Bates Group Study

  • Meets every Thursday from 1:30pm to 3pm in the Conference Room. Scroll down to “Group Studies” for more details.

We invite you to join us over in the YouVersion Bible app for a series of Summer Devotionals. You can participate on your own time, at your own pace. There is a "talk it over" section each day where you can comment and interact within the group. Be sure to download the YouVersion Bible app and create a free account/sign in prior to clicking on any buttons below. Please Note: the desktop version (Bible.com) no longer supports “plans with Friends”

Music: Songs From the Book of Isaiah

7 Days — June 10th to June 16th

Project of Love is: the Bible in song. This plan contains seven beautiful songs. All words are straight from the book of Isaiah, 100% scripture put to song. One chapter, one song every day. Project of Love has the mission to put all books of the Bible to song. Hear & proclaim the amazing Words of the Father sung to and over you - Words of Life, sung to life!

Unwavering Trust In God

10 Days — June 20th to June 29th

We trust God with our eternal life, but do we trust Him with our daily life? Deep down we often direct our disappointments toward God, thinking somehow, He let us down. Trust is a decision, not a feeling! Trust begins by making an irrevocable decision to believe God's Word. Find out how to have unwavering trust in God so you can live an overcoming life in Christ.

Promises, Peace, & Journal Prompts for Fear & Anxiety

5 Days — July 3rd to July 7th

Sure, we all want to experience God’s presence but is that even possible? The answer is a resounding yes to His refreshment, healing, and power. Jesus extends an invitation to meet Him in the secret place, no matter if we feel unworthy, over-scheduled, distracted, or distant. Let’s open God’s Word for practical help turning our ordinary into His extraordinary by accepting the most incredible invitation of all.

Overcoming Fear And Anxiety Through Spiritual Warfare

5 Days — July 11th to July 15th

With each daily reading, learn psychological and spiritual strategies to tackling fear and anxiety. Gain insight to strengthening your mind and your faith. This devotional is based on Overcoming Fear and Anxiety Through Spiritual Warfare by Dr. Carol Peters-Tanksley.

Making Decisions In Uncertainty

6 Days — July 19th to July 24th

How do we make solid decisions in a world that is shifting underneath our feet? What if we make the wrong decision or we regret our choice? What if the choices we have are between a rock and a hard place? Let’s explore 6 practices and principles for decision-making.

A Woman of Significance: Finding Meaning in Times of Loneliness

10 Days — July 28th to August 1st

Our lives are saturated with busyness, interactions, relationships, and social media. However, this doesn’t guarantee that we will never be lonely. You are beloved by God, and He will lift you up in times of solitary living and deepest loneliness. Lonely periods are not irrelevant seasons but hidden opportunities to draw closer to the Father and perhaps wield the greatest significance of our lives.

We invite you to join a small-group setting where you can study God's Word, get to know and love Jesus on a deeper level, and grow in your devotional and prayer life. Come be encouraged through spiritual growth and discipleship!

Scenes from Mark

Learn how to study the Bible through selected highlights from the Gospel of Mark. Barbara will equip you with study how-to’s and facilitate group discussion that will lead you to know and love Jesus on a deeper level!

This is an on-going study led by Barbara Bates on Thursday afternoons from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the conference room at the church. It’s structured in such a way that you can join in at any time. No purchase necessary.

Email Barbara Bates to join.


We offer Winter Studies and Summer Devotionals. Winter Studies are in person studies. Summer Devotionals are online only, through the YouVersion app. Our 2024 Winter Studies begin the week of February 4th and end the week of March 30th. Our Summer Devotionals begin the week of June 9th and end the week of July 28th. We also offer additional group studies and on-going studies throughout the year.

For more information, please contact Dianne Guerry.

Golden Gals

A group of ladies, widowed or not, meet at the McDonald's on Bowen/Pioneer Pkwy every Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. Come join us for fellowship.

For more information, please contact Cheryl Warden.

Young at Heart

Young at Heart is for women who are 50+ years young. We come together to bless, encourage and spur each other on in our life as sisters in Christ.

For more information, please contact Joy Nelson at (214) 734-7666 or Kathy McCandless at krazymac13@gmail.com.