Welcome to ESL (English as a Second Language) at Grace Community Church!
About the program
Grace Community Church provides ESL (English as a Second Language) classes to immigrants from a variety of countries to help improve their language skills and to assist them in adjusting to American culture. We also offer citizenship preparation classes for those who have learned English and wish to apply for U.S. citizenship. All classes are held in-person at Grace Community Church: 801 W Bardin Rd, Arlington TX 76017.
Hear from our Director, Rhoda!
Class Information
We would love to be the place you find dedicated help, practice, and encouragement in your English-learning journey.
Next Open Registration: September 2025.
If you wish to receive registration information, send name, email, and phone to esl@gracearlington.com
For those who are unable to enroll in our classes, we offer you information for other ESL programs in the area.
En Español
Próxima inscripción: septiembre 2025.
Si desea recibir información de registro, envíe nombre, correo electrónico y teléfono a esl@gracearlington.com
Para aquellos que no podemos inscribirnos en nuestras clases, tendremos información sobre otros programas de ESL en el área.
Bằng Tiếng Việt
Đợt đăng ký tiếp theo: Tháng 9 năm 2025.
Nếu bạn muốn nhận thông tin đăng ký, hãy gửi tên, email và số điện thoại đến esl@gracearlington.com
Đối với những người chúng tôi không thể đăng ký vào các lớp học của mình, chúng tôi sẽ có thông tin về các chương trình ESL khác trong khu vực.
Registration is held in the Grace Community Church Life Center building, 801 W Bardin Rd, Arlington, TX 76017.
All who register will go through a short interview process to find the best level to fit their needs.
Registration forms include contact information (phone, address) for communication purposes. We do not require identification or other documents.
Anyone is welcome to become a student. ESL and Citizenship students are not required to participate in other activities of Grace Community Church. We welcome everyone!
For more information please contact the Director at esl@gracearlington.com.
Regular classes are held Monday and Thursday nights, starting at 7:00 pm and ending at 8:30 pm.
English-learning students - both Mondays and Thursdays
Citizenship students - only Thursdays
Please Note: As of Sept 2024, our classes will meet on Mondays and Thursdays (instead of Wednesdays as in the past).
Classes are located at: Grace Community Church, 801 W Bardin Rd, Arlington TX 76017
The only cost to attend class is $20-25 per level for a workbook—one book covers both Fall and Spring sessions.
Classes emphasize interacting in small groups of students with a volunteer staff member and emphasize the following four skill areas: conversation (listening/speaking), reading, writing, and grammar.
*Please note that we are not able to provide childcare. Children are not allowed inside or outside the classroom.*
Fall Classes: Early September through the beginning of December
3-4 week break for Christmas and New Year
Spring Classes: End of January through the end of April or early May
No classes during June, July, and August
Detailed calendar at arlingtonesl.com.
Students come from many countries, including Afghanistan, Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, China, Colombia, Cote d'Ivoire, Cuba, D.R. Congo, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Eritrea, Estonia, France, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong, India, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kurdistan (Iraq), Lebanon, Mexico, Morocco, Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestine, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Puerto Rico (USA), Russia, Somalia, South Korea, South Africa, Spain, Sudan, Syria, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay, United States of America, Venezuela, and Vietnam.
These represent at least twenty different languages.
Topics covered:
Giving Information
School Rules and Regulations
Rights and Responsibilites
How to Agree and Disagree Politely
How to Interrupt Politely
How to Express Opinions Politely
And more!
Introducing Yourself
Getting Around Town
Using English at Work
How to Deal With Emergencies
Friends and Neighbors
Telephone Conversations
Community Rules and Regulations
Strategies for Smooth (Polite) Conmmunication
Classes offered:
Level 1 (Orange)
For beginning students who have no experience with the English Language.
Level 2 (Red)
For beginning students who already have knowledge of the English alphabet and numbers and have basic communication skills.
Level 3 (Blue)
For advanced beginners.
Level 4 (Green)
A low intermediate level class for students who hope to improve their grammar and their listening and speaking skills.
Gives students the opportunity to use and improve their English skills as they discuss a variety of topics and enjoy the informal, social atmosphere it provides. Students who would like to participate in this class will need to test at Level 4 or higher.
Find more information about our citizenship class here.

Contact us
Contact us
The Grace ESL program is also represented by ArlingtonESL.com, a website offering support resources for students and volunteer staff:
Detailed Class Calendar - start dates, holidays, end dates
Volunteer Teacher/Assistant Resources - training videos, helpful websites
Staff Records System - tracking attendance
Weather / Emergency notices or class cancellations
Other Ways to Learn English
We hope you find a program that can help you in the meantime. Here are some online suggestions in the interim:
cambly.com - This costs something, but you meet personally with an online tutor.
youglish.com - Free, good for pronunciation help
memrise.com - Free, good for vocabulary
Check with your local library - they often offer classes
Lots of free language apps (Duolingo, Quizlet, FluentU)
Mango Languages - Learn English Online
Get an Arlington Public Library card: arlingtonlibrary.org - Get a Library Card > eCards - complete the process
On the Arlington Public Library site go to: Books and More, then Database Resources, then Language Learning, then Mango Languages
Sign in using your new Arlington Public Library Card information
Sign Up for a Mango Languages account
Choose the language you wish to learn!
View these step-by-step instructions including screenshots: Mango Languages - Arlington Library Instructions (PDF)
Mango Languages is an online language-learning service that is made available through the Arlington Public Library to those who hold an Arlington Public Library card. Any local resident should be able to get a Library Card.