Discovery Bible Study
A Discovery Bible Study (“DBS”), also known as a “Discovery Group”, is a safe place to see for yourself what the Bible says.
It is a gathering of people who read and discuss God’s Word facilitated using questions that lead to discovery, prayer and care for one another, and encouragement to share. It follows a practical method of reading narrative stories from the Bible in a way that encourages discovery.
The Discovery Bible Study Pattern
Guidelines to share with the group at the beginning of the first few meetings:
Answer in sentences, not paragraphs
Focus on the passage we are studying, not other ideas/sources/passages.
1. Talk - each person answer
What are you thankful for this week?
What has added stress to your week?
What needs do you have? How can this group help with this need?
2. Look Back (not in the first meeting)
What story did we talk about last time?
Did you change anything in your life as a result?
Did you share the story with someone?
Did we meet the needs that came up last week?
3. Read and Re-Tell
Who would like to read the story?
Who would like to read the story again?
Can anyone re-tell the story from memory? (facilitator can choose someone if comfortable)
Does anyone remember more of the story?
4. Look Again
What does this teach us about God/Jesus?
What does this teach us about humanity/yourself?
Stay focused: Where do you find that in this story?
5. Look Inside
If I believe this is from God, what must I do to follow this?
How must I change? How will I put this into practice this week?
6. Who Else?
Who needs to hear this story and how will you share it before next time? (Pause to pray about this)
Who can you invite to join us?
When shall we meet again?
Facilitator Guidelines
Facilitate…don’t teach; ask questions that draw out answers.
Prepare before by studying the passage, look for the main idea, and think of some examples, stories, or applications from your own life.
Share personally in the personal sections (1, 2, 5, 6) but only facilitate in the story sections (3 & 4).
Keep the session on schedule:
25% - a quarter of the time on 1 & 2
50% - half of the time on 3 & 4
25% - a quarter of the time on 5 & 6
Complete all sections, though not necessarily all questions.
Respond to questions by asking the group, “What in the passage helps us answer that question?”
Respond to distracting comments by asking, “Where is that found in this story?”
Respond to “strange” answers by asking, “Help us understand what you are thinking.”
When people pull the conversation off-topic, suggest that you and they might discuss that topic later, then follow up personally afterward.
Good Starting Bible Studies
Creation to Christ - 8 Parts (PDF) - for those who may not know the big picture story leading up to Jesus
Getting to Know Jesus - 10 Parts (PDF) - for those why are ready to simply focus on Jesus
DBS Guide -
Accelerate Training - Accelerate Guidebook - Chapter 15 has many, many discovery collections
M28 Global Discipleship - M28 Bible Discovery