Special Needs Community
Navigating with Hope
Here at Grace Community Church we desire to help ALL people FIND, KNOW, and FOLLOW Jesus. This includes individuals with special needs.
Our Special Needs Community is working hard to accommodate those with special needs.
Right now, we can offer: wheelchair accessible buildings, bathrooms with handicap-accessible stalls, a large treatment table in our Life Center for diaper changes for bigger children and adults, special needs classroom available for adults with special needs for first service (9:30 am), and special needs classroom available for children for second service (11:00 am), and a support group for the parents and caregivers of individuals with special needs called Navigating with Hope.
We are also seeking to offer ways our Special Needs Community can give back to the church using their unique gifts and talents. One of our individuals with special needs prepares the communion trays for Sunday services. And two special needs individuals serve on our hospitality team.
You can email us if you have any questions: Special Needs Community
Online Bible Study for Moms of individuals with special needs or disabilities
Join us as we learn truths about God and about his love for us and our children that will shift our mind off of all of the worst case scenarios and keep us calm in the midst of the chaos. We can move from thinking about the what-ifs that accompany the disability journey to live a life filled with peace and joy, even if.
This 6 week study will begin on Sunday, January 26th, and we will “meet” together on zoom every Sunday from 7 - 8 pm to discuss the videos and what we have learned in the study.
Please register by January 20th so we can get you the needed materials.
Interested in blessing the Navigating With Hope ministry?
Meet the Special Needs
Community Leaders
Natalie Dorsey
Natalie is the mother of six-year-old Bryan who has Autism as well as a complex medical history. Natalie is the Parents as Partners Coordinator at Cook Children's where she promotes the parent voice within the medical system. In her free time, she mentors and supports parents of medically fragile children.
Natalie also just had twins in October and they are doing great!
Lyndy Rizy
Lyndy is mom to Audrey and Miles. Miles is 14 and has Down syndrome. Since having a child with special needs she sees great value in being a part of a special needs community and strives to give other special needs parents and caregivers encouragement, support, and hope. She also loves to be creative and enjoys spending time doing craft projects of all kinds.
January - June 2024
July - December 2023
January - June 2023