GHOP Schedule
What day would you like to visit?
Pray Throughout the Sanctuary | 9-9:30 am |
Nathan & Boudica Mills
GHOP Classes | 12:30-2:30 pm |
Joey Geisel
Prayer for Husbands | 4-4:30 pm |
(Last Sunday of the month)
Tina Freeman, Kathy McCandless
Pray for Youth, College, Young Adults | 6:30-8:30 pm |
Katrina Boutwell
Moms In Prayer | 9-10 am |
Lyndy Rizy, Donna Codd
Worship, Scripture & Prayer | 11 am-12 pm |
Mary Mallory, Pam Saunders, Joey Geisel,
Prayer for Families | 12-1 pm |
Pam Saunders, Mary Mallory
WoG Lead Team Prayer | 4-5 pm |
(one Monday a month)
Dianne Guerry
Worship After Work | 5:15-6:15 pm |
Adil Nawab, Joseph Thomas, Rich Boutwell, Joey Geisel
Creatives Prayer Group | 6:30-7:30 pm
Joey & Emma Geisel
Devotional Prayer (M) | 6-7 am |
Men’s Prayer | 7-8 am |
AJ Lutz
Staff Prayer | 9-10 am |
Spanish Prayer | 10-11 am |
Alexei Rodriguez, Jose Iglesias
Pray for Israel | 12-1 pm |
LeaAnn Hirth, Dora Graham
Biblical Citizenship | 7-8 pm |
Darrell Montgomery
Men’s Prayer | 5:30-6:30 am |
Jon Popp, Kevin Bock
Devotional Prayer | 6:30-7:30 am }
Kevin Grogan, Kelley Grogan
Global Prayer | 7:30-8:30 am |
(Online and in person, contact for online resources)
Don Beacham
Pray for our church | 9-10:30 am |
(Men or couples welcome)
Jack Sheehy & Jonathan Scheffrahn
Regional Pastors Prayer | 12-1 pm |
Gary Hutchison, Joey Geisel
Moms Prayer | 6:30-7:30 pm |
Jodi Tang
Private Devotional Prayer | 8-9 am |
Scripture Reading | 9:40-10 am |
Mary Mallory, Pam Saunders
Praise and Worship | 10-11 am |
Pam Saunders, Mary Mallory
City Prayer | 12-1 pm |
Gary Hutchison, Eunice Shea
Private Devotional Prayer | 2-3 pm |
Pray with Elders | 4-5 pm |
contact elder Ed Gish
Prayer Smallgroup | 6:30-8 pm |
Michael Howser, Alan and Meredith Pereira
Devotional Prayer | 5:45-6:30 am }
(Men welcome)
Daniel Stamey, Mike Lopez
Pray for America | 1-2:30 pm |
(2nd & 4th Fridays)
Tom Gilbert
Young Adults | 6-7 pm |
(last Friday of the month)
Jon Cockroft
AAWC Prayer for Workers | 6-9 pm |
Mary R.
ESL Prayer | 8:30-9:30 am |
(2nd Saturday of the month)
Israel Iyoke, Rhoda Morgan
Men's Prayer | 9:30-10:30 am |
Ed Gish
Pray For The Chosen on Zoom | 10-11 am |
(get link to weekly Zoom prayer meeting here)
Joey Geisel
Pray for Adult Children | 11 am-12 pm |
Gill & Preet Sanders, Rhonda Edwards
Pray for Celebrate Recovery | 12 pm-12:40 pm |
Gill & Preet Sanders
GHOP Music School | 2 pm-5 pm |
Joey Geisel
Weekly Calendar
Questions about any of our prayer sets?