‘Come away … and rest a while.’ Overseas Workers Retreat

Mark 6:31

In Mark 6 Jesus sees that His disciples are tired from the ministry they have been doing (see vs 7-13), and He calls them to a time of rest away from the busyness.

We have made it a value and practice in our Global ministries that our overseas workers are called away for a week of rest and refreshment, offered yearly.  Partners Across Cultures organizes these ‘Worker Retreats’ and a team from PAC/Grace serves our workers with worship, teaching, prayer, prophetic ministry, and fun.  We try to pick a place that is truly relaxing, away from distractions and noise.

This year the PAC Worker Retreat was held at Cedar Springs Christian Retreat Center 2 hours north of Seattle, Washington.  A total of 45 came together to spend a week in June in beautiful surroundings, cool weather, and warm fellowship.

Many of our workers were in a season of transition, on the edge of returning to their overseas locations of life and ministry, so this was a great opportunity to pray for them and encourage them into the next phase coming out of the frustrations and lockdowns of the pandemic.

Here are some of their reflections after the retreat.  

“I would like to thank the Grace and the PAC team for their prayers, for the excellent hospitality, and for services during the retreat.  For us, it was a good new experience and good rest. I learned a lot from the mission workers.  We enjoyed it so much! God bless you all.”  Nick and Aziz

“Thank you PAC team for providing this great opportunity to refresh and relax and spend time with the Lord.  Really like getting away from 100-degree Texas too!”  Marc and Tina 

“Don and PAC, this was an example of God’s excellent generosity.  Thank you for blessings me with a glimpse of His beauty.  Thank you all for sharing His love with me.”  Fred

“Steve and I have been reflecting on the week we all spent together.. There were so many highlights and precious moments.  Thank you for the gift of time, prayer, retreat expenses, and the reminder of something bigger than ourselves going on for God’s Kingdom.  Much love.” Jean and Steve

“To all of you on the PAC team, we also express our heartfelt appreciation for all the ways that you loved and served us so well during the retreat.  What a beautiful time for our whole family.  The devotional and worship and prayer times were precious.  Thank you!” 

Mark and Rachel


Elizabeth Baptism


Ijay's story of coming to America & to Grace