International Sunday 2022

Author: Anna Miller

International Sunday is one of our favorite Sundays of the year. This is a time to remember and celebrate. We remember where all this is leading, to the time when all the peoples of the Earth will worship God in their own culture and language. We are so blessed to have so many cultures represented at Grace so that we can get a taste of what this will be like. And that’s what we are celebrating, all of our people from around the world! We celebrate by taking part, with music, food, and so much else that all goes into what makes a culture, and we do it all for the glory of God. 

We have been doing this a while, and so have the perspective and impact that this celebration has on those who have been around, and those who are new. Hosea and Cheyenne Randrianarivony have been representing Madagascar for many years now, and have faithfully put together an amazing table each time. Hosea says that he does it “to show what God has done, and how amazing His creations are. He created us and gave us unique cultures to show His glory all over the world.” He represents not just his country, but his family and friends in his country, and it is a reminder to pray.

Diego Pedroza was brand new to Grace and, after just a couple of months of attending, jumped right in to represent Colombia. He said he was impressed and surprised to see so many different cultures in one place, participating, and that the atmosphere was one of welcome and genuine love.

Diego shares, “We want to be more involved in the church, to meet other people since we are new to Grace Church. International Sunday is a great way to meet people from church, to fellowship, to connect, and to learn about each other.”


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