Perspectives—Blessed to Be a Blessing

By: Anna Miller, Cross-Cultural Outreach Assistant

Every Sunday evening January through April we hosted ‘Perspectives On The World Christian Movement’, a college-level course for those interested in better understanding God’s global Kingdom. God is showed up and changed each one of us through the many great speakers and readings that we’ve had. The goal behind Perspectives is to transform the way that we think about the world and to see everything going on around us through a biblical lens. All of history, everything happening right now, is all part of God’s big plan that He’s unfolding. It will culminate in the coming of Christ, with Him on His throne and all the people groups of the world worshiping Him as He deserves. So far, each class lesson has been going through the Bible and then throughout history from the time of Christ onward, showing how God’s plan is being fulfilled but not yet completed.

Here is what one of our students, Sylvia Chastain, has to say about it:

Perspectives is making me see things with a new pair of eyes, I’m relearning and truly understanding what I thought I already knew. I’m reading my Bible differently. I’m no longer reading to learn just about me but reading to learn about God and about His purpose. I’m not sure how I fit in but I know this course is steering me in the right direction. Perspective IS changing my life; I can feel it and I’m ready to be changed.”

I’m so excited to see what God will do through each of the students. The goal is not just to learn, but to be transformed, and then serve and live with transformed lives. What we learned in Lesson 1 is that we are blessed to be a blessing, not just to keep the blessings of God to ourselves. Would you pray with me that the 43 students would continue to be changed by the word of God, and that they obey what God tells them through this course?


Staff Highlight: Samson Tang


Class of 2023