Returning to Israel

by Lea Ann Hirth

Our P3 Israel team was grounded for almost three years due to Covid, but we finally returned to the land in October. Our goal was to rekindle old relationships and discover new ones. Our new relationships led us to Efrat to meet with the mayor. We went right to work serving at a senior citizen activity center, helping them with some needed repairs and landscaping. 

We got to help with our first-ever olive harvest alongside a Druze family in Kisra Samia. Hard work but a great experience! 

We were reunited with our special needs community at Kivunim and spent a few days serving them. We rehabbed one of their apartments to make it easier for them to be outside in their backyard to enjoy. Definitely one of our favorite partnerships. 

Finally, we returned to our kibbutz community on Bet HaEmek. This is a type of communal living that we all enjoy being part of! We enjoyed the work we got to do but connecting to the people on the kibbutz is a highlight for us! We were hosted on two separate occasions in different people’s homes for dinner so we could get to know each other better. Sharing meals with them is significant because it means acceptance!

Dearest Dream Team P3!

Within one day you’ve uplifted and added light to our senior center. The painting, planting, and screening made a huge difference and we waited so long to get it done and financed. Please know that your hard work, in just one day, put many smiles on peoples faces. 

The physical help, however, is minute compared to the kesher you made with us. You truly made us feel that you care that you are giving from the heart, that you want the connection with us, and that means the world to us.

I thank you for an uplifting day with you, for the chance to know you and look forward to working together in the future! 

Rivka Farkas
Head of Scheinfeld Center and Project Manager of the Efrat Seniors

From the Mayor of Efrat, Oded Revivi:

4 volunteers with golden hearts arrived at the Sheinfeld Center today from the United States to lend a hand in everything they can do.

Professional work, dedicated with lots of love and an eternal smile.

*Thank you to @shamilatlas* for bringing them to us for some much needed renovations here.

Thank you for bringing us together. It's a pleasure to meet such giving people.

We now have a room with repainted walls, beautiful flowers, herbs and bulbs to surprise us with late winter bloom, and even new nets (instead of the perforated) for our windows.

Makes me very happy!!

Loving and serving others is a language that speaks to every culture and people group! As we do that we see God open the doors to speak about Him and who He is.  They always open the door for spiritual conversations and we love talking about the Lord with them!

Lea Ann Hirth


Kenya Update


Israel Recap Video