Some Things Are Only Possible Together

By: Carey Morgan

Two hundred and twenty-five guys sat with their eyes riveted on the sheet covering volunteer Jon Popp on stage, waiting for the illusionist to tear it away and reveal what would happen next. Would he be visible? How would he react? Next to him on the stage was an empty chair that had until a few moments ago been filled by another volunteer, Jeff Joens, who was now nowhere to be seen. You could’ve heard a pin drop, even on the carpeted floor of the Worship Center! But wait, first a little back story… After creating the world and everything in it, the first “problem” God identified was, “It is not good for man to be alone.” This is true for everyone, male and female, but we recognize this as a particular challenge for men, especially in our very individualistic society. When Jesus gets ahold of a man, that man becomes a part of the extended family of God in Christ. But our busy lives and social patterns isolate us which blocks the good growth that only occurs when we share our lives with each other. With this in mind, the Men of Grace ministry creates all sorts of shared experiences where men can connect with their brothers in Christ. On Saturday, February 4, we held yet another annual Men of Grace Cookout, a favorite event for all the guys. There is nothing like a tasty, hot, smoked pulled pork and barbeque chicken dinner enjoyed around tables with over 200 other guys. After dinner, guys can’t wait to see who will win the raffle items, including a giant TV and some other amazing stuff. Then its time to worship – a room filled with men’s voices honoring God and encouraging each other as followers of Jesus. Before the main attraction of the evening, guys hear about the mountain of ways they can get involved with other men: Bible Studies, Book Club, Serving to Bless Work Day, Movie Night, Softball Day, Mentoring, Basketball, and even the upcoming Men’s Retreat (April 28-29th).

Speaking of Softball Day, on Saturday, March 25, we had 50 guys come out for a perfect, sunny, breezy, spring day to play a mini slow-pitch tournament. With some guys who have played ball all their lives and some guys for whom this was their very first time playing the game at all, we never really know which of the four teams will win their games and take home the Champs hats. Players ranged in age from 18 to 73. As is usually the case, the taunts and bragging before and during the game were NO indicator of who would actually win, but we all had a great time giving it our best shot. Several home run hits, pulled muscles, and amazing catches later, Tony Brown’s team came out on top and took home the hats. A perfect day!

Back at the Cookout, anticipation is running high to see what this year’s Christian illusionist team, David and Kylie Knight, has in store for us. They get things started with what you’d expect: a baffling card trick using oversized cards. I sit there thinking, “That’s pretty good, but let’s see what else they got…” I went away amazed by one trick in particular: William Priebe was given a jacket to wear, Kylie was tied up in ropes, and somehow as we watched William’s hands protruding from a curtain, the jacket ended up on Kylie UNDER the ropes tying her hands and arms against her body. NO WAY THAT CAN HAPPEN! David wrapped up the evening with a God-honoring segment that encouraged and inspired the men present to consider how uniquely each of us has been created by God, to see ourselves with the supreme value that He has given us, and to use these gifts to God’s glory and to the benefit of others. What a great challenge to be more like Jesus and less like our self-absorbed world. Talking with guys after both the Cookout and Softball Day, I heard man after man tell about new friendships started and old friendships renewed – exactly our primary aim with events like the Cookout. Every man needs to know the names of at least a few brothers who he can ask to have his back as we follow Jesus together. I watched guys talking, laughing, and praying for each other, all because we broke out of doing our own thing long enough to spend time together!

Now back to the original story. The peak moment of the evening was really more of a prank than a trick. You see, while volunteer Jon was out of the room supposedly not hearing volunteer Jeff’s answers that Jon would later guess, we actually joined David in a plan to make Jon THINK that he had disappeared. Jon and Jeff would be sitting in chairs on the stage, covered in sheets to be made invisible by David. But while Jon was covered, David let Jeff sneak backstage, leaving his chair empty. David coached us to sound amazed both when Jeff’s sheet was removed from his empty chair and when Jon’s sheet was removed. We even staged pictures of two empty chairs to show Jon later, which we did. We all gasped and shouted as if Jon disappeared when his sheet came off even though he was sitting right there before our eyes. It wasn’t until the NEXT day that Jon learned it was a prank – he spent hours examining our fake pictures and trying to figure out how we couldn’t see him when he was sitting right there all along! We were all in on the prank and it was so much fun! Just like this amazing prank/trick, there are some things that are only possible with a group. And many of the highest and best things God has in store for every person who follows Jesus can only be experienced or achieved together. While I will never forget that illusionist prank we played on Jon in this lifetime, I pray that all of my brothers will for eternity be fully participating members of the family of God in Christ!


Why Be Involved


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