Tabernacle Album Release Worship Night

By: Larry Gallas

Shortly before leaving on his July sabbatical, Gary mentioned at a staff meeting that he wanted to come back and spend the first two weeks of August teaching on worship, and in particular, talk about the Tabernacle flow of worship. I reminded Gary that our worship album, Tabernacle, would be finished by then, and we were hoping to celebrate with an album release worship night. Not coincidentally, the Tabernacle album took the listener through the same biblical flow of worship that Gary was going to teach to the congregation. It always blows me away when God takes over and orchestrates events for His church! So, we decided to move forward with the Tabernacle Album Release Worship Night on August 17, 2022.

As a reminder, the Tabernacle was a temporary, mobile place of worship that laid out a pattern of worship that God gave to Moses 1,450 years before the birth of Christ. This pattern for worship has not changed and was ultimately fulfilled by the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Twenty-eight musicians, singers, scripture readers, and tech people came together to lead a room filled with 450 participants through all 13 songs of the album while taking everyone through the tabernacle flow of worship. Along the way, we had times of praise, thanksgiving, repentance, forgiveness, surrender, prayer, intimate worship, hearing God’s voice, and celebration.

The next day, Gary told me that the night was a “high water mark” for our church and a “top-five worship time” in the 35-year history of Grace Community Church.

I am so thankful and honored to serve alongside so many humble, talented, and hard-working members of our worship ministry. Leading up to the night, we had many individual hours of preparation, guitar and keyboard practices and meetings, and one long, four-hour Saturday rehearsal. But for me, the greatest joy was looking out at a room filled with people worshiping the Lord together! It was a night I will never forget.

If you haven’t yet heard our Tabernacle worship album, you can stream it on Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon, YouTube, and many other sites that I never knew existed. Just search GraceGrown Music, Tabernacle, and/or one of the names of our worship leaders. Or, you can listen the old-fashioned way by buying a CD. Thank you church family for supporting our music!

Larry Gallas

The Team:

Jocie Bishop-Vocals

Brandy Brown-Vocals

Ellie Brown- Scripture Reading

Tony Brown-Vocals, Acoustic Guitar

Amanda Clothier-Vocals

Paul Cook-Tech Team

Andrew Czap-Electric Guitar

Matt Czap-Tech Team

Chad Fenner-Photographer

Andrew Gallas-Bass

Aubrie Gallas-Vocals

David Gallas-Electric Guitar

Jordan Gallas-Vocals, Acoustic Guitar, Banjo

Josh Gallas-Drums

Larry Gallas-Vocals, Electric Guitars

Howard Geisel-Violin

Joey Geisel-Keyboards

Julia Gonzales-Vocals

Matt Kraehemann-Saxophone

Jessica Lay-Vocals

Larry McLaughlin-Tech Team

Arron Mecwan-Vocals

Milton Mono-Bass

Sheri Oestreich-Flute

Hosea Randrianarivony-Keyboards

Tonda Sykes-Violin, Viola

Joseph Thomas-Keyboards, Tech Team

Teresa Williams-Tech Team


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