Short-Term Ministry Trips

Our Vision

Along with sending and supporting long term workers to overseas locations largely among unreached people groups, we provide several ongoing opportunities to be involved in short term ministry trips. Our vision for these short term trips, ranging in length from a week to a few months, is two-fold:

1. Support and encourage the long term work and workers

2. Provide more and more people with the opportunity to see what God is doing around the world and enlarge their vision of God’s Kingdom.

Because we have connections and partners in many different places, we limit our short term trips to those locations. All short term ministry must support our long term vision.

Upcoming Trips

Interested in participating in a trip? Want to learn more?

  • Steve and Ruth have been involved in Hita, Japan since 1992 and know that God has a great plan for this small city.  This past October one of your young Grace families, the Hardeman’s, moved to Hita to have hands-on involvement in the ministry there.  This trip for college and high school students involves living with a host family, participating in cultural events and local schools, and running weekend camps for Japanese students.

    Approximately July 11-August 7

    Cost: Approx $2760 (Airfare + $760)

  • We have been taking teams to Isreal for several years but since the war we have had to put our trips on hold. Right now a tentative time frame based on the current situation is late October/early November.

    The purpose of our trip is to:

    *Engage with the people in Israel (Jews and Arabs)l to understand their history and culture and how that relates to us a believers

    *Spend time looking at our Bibles through Jewish eyes

    *Help areas to rebuild, clean up, paint, etc

    *Meet strategic leaders in Israel within the government and other organizations

    *Share our evening meals with local Jewish families

    *Take one day to tour

    The cost is approximately $2500 - $2800 (depending on air fare prices at the time) Includes airfare, lodging, in country transportation, and some meals

  • Cheyenne and Hosea will be leading a trip to Madagascar in March.

    - We will have a Hoops For Hope Basketball camp from March 10 to 14. Six people have already purchased tickets and are ready to go. Cost is approximately airfare + $500. 

    - From March 16 - 25, we will have a Pickleball camp and tournament in the afternoon as we go to serve the community in the morning. We will do jail ministries, ESL camps, homeless outreach, orphanage visits, and more. Cost is approximately airfare + $800

    You can join one, the other, or both.

  • This trip to Kyrgyzstan will be a learning experience for the participants as well as locals as they exchange cultures, learn language, and do life together. For one week we will come alongside local believers to host a summer camp filled with disadvantaged youth showing them some fun, allowing them a safe/beautiful space, and building lasting relationships filled with the love of Christ. This will be highlighted with daily prayer, worship, and Bible study in the local context. 

    Estimated cost: $3000 per person includes airfare, hotels, and meals.

    The trip is for 2 weeks from 7/18-8/1. Summer camp will be 5 days 7/27-8/1

  • Grace began sending short and long term teams to Turkey in 1995, and God has given us a role to play in the expanding Kingdom of God in Turkey.  We have strategic partnerships there with a long term worker family, and several partnerships of local leaders throughout the country.  We also engage in cultural exchange programs when our partner school in Antalya is able to participate. Each year we usually send a short term team to Turkey in early to mid-summer for several purposes:

    - Prayer and spiritual engagement on behalf of the Turkish people

    - Historical understanding of the past and current context in modern day Turkey, including visits to key historical sites such as some of the 7 churches of Revelation, Hagia Sophia, Blue Mosque

    - Learn from and serve our long term workers for better understanding about what it’s like to serve in a 99% Muslim country

    - Learn from and serve our local Turkish partners for better understanding of how Turkish believers live and minister amid persecution

    - Serve at the Kucak Children’s Camp, if possible

    - Gain insight on whether God is calling participants to longer term service in Turkey or the Muslim world

    Cost is approximately $2800 plus international airfare for a 2-week trip, all inclusive.