Men’s Movie Night

Saturday, Feb 3, 2024, 5 - 9 pm

In Psalm 78:2 God tells us "I will open my mouth in a parable." God loves to use stories to speak truth to us! At each Men's Movie Night, the Men of Grace are getting together to eat pizza, watch a movie, and then talk about it afterward. What did God say to you? We'll discuss it from a Biblical perspective -- looking for what we can learn about life from or in contrast to the themes presented in the film, comparing the messages in the film to what the Word of God says, and applying it to our lives.

Movie selection is important, and we look for mainstream films that are well-made, have inspiring and challenging themes, and prompt meaningful discussion. We avoid choosing movies with nudity or sexual scenes, highly offensive language (or we edit it out), and other objectionable content.

Previous films have included "Gladiator", “Paul the Apostle”, "Cinderella Man", “Dunkirk”, “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy, and "Hacksaw Ridge". We usually don't announce the movie title in advance, because it's as much about the fellowship as it is about the particular movie.

Film Selection This Time:

  • To be determined

  • We have edited out unacceptable language and other content.


  • Adult men of all ages

  • High-school-age boys — either brought by a supervising adult or with the advance permission of a parent named in the registration form.

Where: Life Center Loft (upstairs at the end of the hallway).

Evening Agenda:

  • 5:00 pm - Eat Pizza and fellowship

  • 5:30 pm - Movie starts

  • Halfway - Break for dessert

  • 8:15 pm or so - Discussion

  • 9:00 pm or so - Dismiss

Cost: $5 per person for food (pay at the door) - Free if you are skipping the food

Sign-up: Please fill out the sign-up form for each person attending.
Note: Only name, pizza Y/N, and age group are required fields.