A Life Group Story

By: Larry Gallas, Worship & Finance Pastor

My wife, Tina, and I began hosting a life group in our home several years ago as part of our fall series. After the series was over, we decided to continue hosting a weekly life group. Hosting can be a challenge because group meets at our home whether we’re tired or have had a busy week. But regardless of how we feel leading up to our group, we always feel great afterwards. Being part of a life group is continually life-giving for us. We have built lasting friendships with people we love and that we know love us as well. Our goal is always to “spur one another on to love and good deeds” as Hebrews 10:24 encourages us to do. I asked a couple members of our group to share what it means to them to be part of a life group.

"The New Testament is full of advice from leaders on how to administrate the kingdom of Jesus Christ on Earth, and the Church is the main place where we learn about God and are discipled. Life groups are one expression of the Church, and as such, they can facilitate ministry opportunities that are not possible in other expressions of the Church, like 'big church' services and outreach efforts.

In life groups, Christians can 'bring their gift,' which means they have a time and place for their ministry to others. This can take many forms and will be unique to each person. Some Christians seem to focus more on Biblical interpretation and teaching, some will focus on speaking about what God is doing in their life, some, and hopefully all, will operate in the gifts of the Spirit and speak a word of wisdom or prophesy to someone else that will bless and edify them.

Jocelyn and I have been attending a life group for a while now and have been very blessed by the time we have spent with our friends. We can hear what everyone is going through and share what God is doing in our lives. We can share our perspective on topics and see the Lord's ministry in each other's testimony. We learn about God, what others are learning about God, and we are challenged to grow in the Lord from the revelation of Jesus' gospel of redemption when we see God's power at work in our friends. We wouldn't have this kind of intimate fellowship with the Lord and His people if we didn't go to life groups.

As stated earlier, not all expressions of the Church allow for the opportunity for every Christian to minister to others in a way that is most comfortable for each person. Life groups facilitate opportunities amongst Christians for discipleship and ministry that can sometimes be hard to find elsewhere. By committing to a life group, we have an irreplaceable channel of experiencing both God and His body."

—Michael Marshall


"Small home groups such as our life groups were, for most of my life, something that I was definitely not interested in. I was never the outgoing type and felt very uncomfortable in groups of any size.

However, a few months ago, my wife PJ and I began attending a life group because of a church-wide study entitled B.L.E.S.S. We liked being in the group so much that we are still involved with them, and what a blessing it is! We have a brand-new family that we love and are so grateful for. Even I have become completely comfortable sharing things with them that, for the most part, I have kept to myself.

Just a couple of weeks ago I shared with my group the hatred I’ve carried for many, many years toward someone who was physically and mentally abusive to my young children. I carried so much hatred that I wanted to inflict physical harm and worse! Because of the abuse that person inflicted on my children, I felt entitled to those feelings I had, and to be honest, I did not want to change how I felt! But that night, with gentle counseling and prayer, I felt a stirring within me, and I was not only released from that sinful attitude and feelings I had carried for so many years, but I am now able to pray for salvation for that person!

God is so good, and He has blessed us with such wonderful brothers and sisters in our life group! We love them and know they love us as well! If you don’t belong to a life group, you are missing a wonderful blessing!"

—Ron Johnson

If you are not part of a life group, I want to encourage you to find one, join one, and consistently participate. To find a group, go to gracearlington.com/groups or email Jonathan and he will help you. And, you can always come join us on Wednesday nights. We will always have an empty seat for you!


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