By: Julia Gonzales, AdventureLand Coordinator

Our first AWANA clubs started in January. This exciting program is designed to equip children to know and love God and His Word. AWANA stands for “Approved workmen are not ashamed” (2 Timothy 2:15). They study and memorize Scripture, and learn how to apply His word in their everyday lives. Over the past few months, more than 100 children have been working hard to memorize their verses. After practicing and learning their verses, they earn awards to add to their vest or jersey. We had an award ceremony in April to recognize all their hard work. We are so proud of what they have accomplished in just a few months!

Each week in AWANA clubs, we celebrate by wearing a silly hat, funny socks or even dressing like mom and dad. It is fun to see the workers and children participate. Once a month, we have a “Be a Giver” night. On these nights, children bring an item to give and bless others. They’ve donated chocolate kisses and cards to bless the Grace Widows on Valentine’s Day, fuzzy socks for a nearby nursing home, and cans of soup and mac and cheese for those in need. Each time, we are overwhelmed by the generosity shown by our AWANA children and families. Our teachers and volunteers have done an amazing job guiding and encouraging each child. I’m so excited to see how God continues to move in our AWANA clubs!


Class of 2023


God is Moving in Madagascar