God is Moving in Madagascar

By: Hosea Randria, Associate Young Adults Pastor

God is good. He has placed in my heart a desire to be a pastor for the people of Madagascar. He also has made it possible for me to come here, get knowledge, and practice, and send me with our church family to go and teach the leaders how to be successful leaders these last days. He has blessed us greatly by providing what the Malagasy churches need. The Malagasy pastors have great faith, but weak theology.

Since 2020, God has miraculously opened a giant door for us to serve the churches in Madagascar by organizing a conference for pastors and leaders to gain knowledge and be more fruitful. God also has favored us in the sight of the pastors in Madagascar and they eagerly await us to return. We have had 3 successful conferences in Madagascar, and we think that the seed that we have planted is growing. In 2020, we had over 500 pastors attend the conference. We paused in 2021 because of Covid. In 2022, we had over 600, and in 2023 God moved over 800 pastors' hearts to come and learn. God healed many people during the conference and also healed many hearts and ministries. I have seen the love of worship and the presence of the Lord increase. People don't want to leave, even when we dismiss them for the day. I don't know all of what God is doing in Madagascar, but God is at work, and His Kingdom is growing in. People are learning, and their love and obedience to God is growing.

Please pray that God keeps this door open so that we can keep going, pray that God gives Gary more revelations, strength, and ability to go. Pray that the seeds will keep on growing until it becomes a tree that everyone can benefit from. Pray that God will bring changes to the entire nation after hearing the truth about the Kingdom of God. Last but not least, I would love to say thank you to all that God has used to help send us since 2020. I assure you that your support, time, and prayers are not void. It's affecting the entire nation of Madagascar and makes a difference in the Kingdom of God. Thank you, Lord, for sending us. Thank you Grace Community Church for being an obedient church, for being thirsty for the return of Christ, and for sending pioneers to fulfill the Great Commission. Here am I, please send me again, Lord. I will go for You.




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